What is your opinion about the Chilean tradition called “mechoneo”?
In my opinion, the Chilean tradition called “mechoneo” it is a very bad way to introduce to the students in the university, because that welcome represents violence, absence of respect to the person and their rights. In other words, the integrity of the person is violated and this tradition reflects violence towards the other person, causing other generations to reproduce this act again and again, managing to perpetuate a culture of violence in a simple welcome that is the “mechoneo”. From my point of view, it should be more peaceful as it has done here in the “Facultad de Ciencias Sociales”, where we talk about careers with older students, we know our colleagues, we share with others, and other things.

What is your opinion about cloning?
Cloning is wonderful advance of science, that is, just thinking that I can create other person like me is incredible. Bu all technological advances are dangerous in the world like the one we live in, and cloning can be used as a tool for wars, for example. And also animals can be exploited.

What is your opinion about tattoos?
In my opinion, the tattoos are wonderful and I think they shouldn’t have a negative connotation or determine the personality of the person, it is a decision that a person takes, and must be respected. In other words, society gives a stigma to people who occupy tattoos, causing in the people to think bad things about them without having met hem before. Causing these tattooed people to be considered as individuals outside of what it is to be “normal”, as Goffman says in his book called “Stigma”

What is your opinion about “barras bravas” (hooligans)?
They are a way of collectively representing a very strong feeling towards the sport of football, specifically a football team. So far, there is no problem, but sometimes this feeling overflows and the fans cause damage to public infrastructure, to other people, to the other fans of other football teams, there are blows, etc. This is best handled when playing in Chile “Colo Colo” y “Universidad de Chile”


  1. Good reference to stigma! I agree with you!

  2. I am not a person about soccer but is a reality their importance in the football teams and his extreme methods to express his fellings


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