I am studying sociology at The University of Chile, and I am currently studying five subjects: Social History of Chile, Economy, Social Theories of Modern Societies, Qualitative Research Strategies and Descriptive statistics. Honestly, if I had the possibility to change the workload and length of studies, faculty facilities, use of technology, and teaching methods, I would be very happy to make a change to improve my career and life of the students.

With respect to the workload and length of studies, I would like to be able to change the planning that the professors have to distribute the academic load in each subject, to have a greater organization of the planning of tests or works at the moment of which a paralyzation of the activities (which happens frequently) and take into account the mental health problems. In addition, the career should follow the example of the duration of careers in European countries, which sometimes last for 3 or 4 years and not 5 to 7 years as here in Chile.

On the other hand, with respect to the faculty facilities or the infrastructure of the university, I would not like to change anything in relation to space, I like it a lot. I would only like to change the availability of classrooms, a larger organization or to have more classrooms available to students, assistants, and teachers.

I think that about technology there must be some modernization or to be able to buy better computers, since there are always problems when, for example, together with my fellow students we have to do statistical works.

And finally, with regard to the method that teachers occupy, I have no major complaint. In fact, I really like the way that teachers do their classes, I would only like to change the classic methods of tests and classes, I would like more innovative and dynamic things.


  1. Yess, a change in the organization of the planning of tests would be great.

  2. I hope someday appaers that type of thing, innovative and dynamic, beside the test. Maybe we would not have to be suffering before an evaluation

  3. I'm agree with having better computers!

  4. i also think that the faculty needs a modernization

  5. How nice it would be to change the methods of evaluation and teaching ...


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