I am currently studying sociology but in the future, I would like to study Psychology in the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Why Alaska and not Chile? The reason of this decision is my love for Alaska since I was little; I have always loved this state of the United States, its landscapes, the cold, the animals, the nature and the serenity that Alaska brings. Why Psychology? Because in the past I liked psychology like an option to study in the university, but finally I decided to study Sociology in the Universidad de Chile. The psychology is very interesting and the way that it understands to individuals, and I have always liked Freud (Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis) since secondary education.

The courses that I would like to study are Social Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, History of Psychology, Conducting Research in Psychology, Introduction to Behavior Analysis and Lifespan Development.

The reason that I would like to study this career in the University of Alaska is because the time is shorter than Chile.  

I would like to study a regular program, that is to say from Monday to Friday because I dont like learn behind a computer and I dont understand anything with online classes, no matter what, the classes of psychology have to be face to face for a better understanding.


  1. I like to travel to Alaska some day, the climate is very cold but also very warm

    Goff block


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