My Future Job

It is difficult for me to think about the future because I don’t know what to do exactly in “the tomorrow.” Although the job that I would like to have is associated with education, psychology or any association about mental health or vocational issues. It is like the job that makes the DAE (Dirección de Asuntos Estudiantiles) in the faculty of social science of the Universidad de Chile.

I don´t know about the outdoors or indoors of my future job, but I would like to do research about education or mental health in students of any university of Chile, so I wouldn´t stay in a static place, I think I would be always in movement.

I would like to travel in my job to know other realities of the young students of different universities. For example, I would like to work in Spain or Filipinas. In Spain, social issues are very relevant to society and I would like to know how the students resolve these difficulties.

About the salary I don´t care so much, it is not a big deal for me. Because the most important thing to me is to help others and especially to the students and adolescents

I'm studying sociology and in the future, I would like to study creative literature at Universidad Diego Portales or Psychology in anyplace.


  1. I would like a job associated to education too! Good blog!

  2. Work in the field of education, is not a job for me but is a wonderful experience


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